
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

The fishers who conquered the skies

! Before you read ! This is a novelized extract of a boss fight from the "Rythmic action fantasy-fishing themed" videogame "Fish Line Fantasia: The starlights of the beginning" so if some things feel a bit "video-gamy" you know that's why. This is not the beginning of the game, but I've written in a way that lets you understand what's happening without the need for any prior knowledge. This was written out of pure boredom and a need for writing about this game since it's the one thing I hope I can make before I die and these characters are my favourite from all the characters I've created myself, even if you can't really see the reasons why in this extract. I hope you find it interesting! The boat tumbled once more, with even greater strength this time. -Hold on tight Rin! The boy did as the girl said, one mistake and their boat along with them would fall off the clouds, but the time to freeze in fear by that thought had long since

Katana 76 - Chapter 9. By force

"Idiot... moron... jerk... Fuck..." The girl was unable to express her feelings, there wasn't a single part of her that wasn't shaking, including her tearful voice. "I thought you were gonna eat me alive..." Thanks to the crystals that surrounded her waist Rikan had never been in any real danger, but they also allowed her to feel the two bloody monsters that tried to erase her, something she couldn't have even understood without them. "I hate you... both of you..." Kiran didn't answer, Rikan had all the rights to vent on him and say whatever was on her heart, it was a fact that he tried to kill her just a few seconds ago, even if he had something to say he was too busy being disappointed in himself to say it. The girl's strikes were forcefully stopped as she clung to the shredded clothes that covered the dragon's back after her knees gave in, trying to no avail to stay on her feet. "... Have... have you killed him?" "

Katana 76 - Capítulo 9. Por la fuerza

"Idiota... imbécil... capullo.... Joder..." La chica era incapaz de expresar sus sentimientos, no había ninguna parte de su cuerpo que no estuviera temblando, y eso también se aplicaba a su llorosa voz. "Pensaba que me ibais a devorar viva..." Gracias a los cristales que aún rodeaban su cintura Rikan nunca había estado en ningún peligro real, pero también le permitieron sentir perfectamente a los dos monstruos sangrientos intentaban eliminarla, algo que no habría sido capaz ni de entender sin ellos. "Os odio... os odio a los dos..." Kiran no respondió, Rikan tenia todo el derecho del mundo de quejarse y decirle lo que le saliera del corazón, era indiscutible que hace tan solo unos segundos había intentado matarla, y aunque hubiera tenido algo que decir estaba demasiado ocupado decepcionándose en si mismo como para soltarlo. Los golpes de la chica se vieron obligado a parar, la chica se agarró a las destrozadas ropas que cubrían la espalda del dragón cuando