Katana 76 - Chapter 4. Party

Kilan sat at the edge of the square of the village, looking directly at the portal in the center, sealed katana in hand.

He'll come, I know he will.

Multiple voices could be heard all over, all talking about him.

"What's his deal anyway? He's been sitting there for hours, so creepy..."
"Hey... What if he's from Shicoria's family..? Should we chase him off? he might be trouble..."
"Maybe he's chasing him... I'm sure that bastard has a lot of enemies, and I wouldn't be surprised if his own family wanted him dead..."
"Should we tell him he already left the village? maybe he'll go away"
"Nah, let's leave that weirdo alone... It's not like he's causing any trouble."

The voices start to change topic and lower their volume as someone approaches.
"Hey." The girl sat at his side, her face yet showing traces of what she had been doing this past few hours. 

"Seems like everyone knows already..."
"Well, you did scream about it pretty loudly early in the morning..."
"Everyone looks at me from the distance with those fucking faces of pity."
"I would also give you some space if I saw you with that face on the street. You should go back to your home and rest while you can. I already explained everything to your mother, she was way more understanding than you by the way."
"I don't want to rest ever again."

The girl strongly gripped her knees as her terrifying gaze burned the space between her and the center of the square.

"Shouldn't you keep your leg straight?"
"You said you were looking for vengeance, was it for my brother?"
Kilan didn't answer, not because he couldn't, but because he knew where this was going, and he didn't like it.
"You said you fought against your friends for revenge, did they kill my brother?"
"No, they didn't, they were his friends too, they would have never done it."
"Then why did you fight them."

...No answer...

Rikan stood up as she demanded her answer. Her scream killed every noise in the square and directed all the gazes that weren't already looking at them towards her. After a few second the muurmurs began once again, and she kicked Kilan in the face, who took it without trying to defend himself, before sitting back.

"I'm going with you."
"No you're not."
"I deserve vengeance more than you do!"
"Rikan, this is not about who deserves to avenge him or not, you'll be in danger if you come with me, and I don't want to have to tell Mana I watched another one of her kids die... Your mother needs you, you should think about the ones you still have."
"And why don't you center on what you still have eh!?"
"Because I lost everything when I lost your brother."

After her head cooled a bit, the image of her mother finding out of her death came to her mind, and she could feel in her heart the anguish her imaginary mother was feeling... And the danger was real, she had seen the state Kilan was left after the fight, and even in his actual condition he didn't flinch when he received a kick she had put all her strength in...

The strength of her grip slowly faded, leaving only a hug to her legs. She turned her hed to her companion as she rested it over her knees.

"Do you... want to come with us?"
"I would only put you in danger, but thanks for the offer."
"If you say so... why are you still here then? Are you planning on escorting us?"
"No, you shouldn't have trouble getting to safety."
"I'm waiting for him... I know he'll come."
"Come here? Who?"

With the help of his katana, Kilan stood up as he looked to the sky, and rikan followed even if she didn't knew what was going on.

"Take this and give them back to Feliziel, oh and give her my thanks."
Kilan untied all the bandages covering his body and put them over Rikan's arms.
"Wha-Wait, are you going already? Weren't you waiting for someone"
"You are the one that has to go, the moment you have the chance run to your house and tell your mother the time has come, she knows what to do."
"What are you-?"

A ray of purple light impacting against the center of the square stopped Rikan's sentence, and on the platform a man the same age as Kilan apeard, dressed in pure white clothes with golden stitches and adornments.

A smile drew on the face of the angel as soon as Kilan's eyes graced his own.
"Shikata... I  knew I would find you here, but I never thought you would prepare a welcoming party for me. THEN LET'S PARTY BEFORE I RIP OUT YOUR HEAD YOU FUCKING TRAITOR!"


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