Katana 76 - Chapter 7. Determination

'The locks are for sealing it... maybe it's better that way...'                  

                'Vengeance...'                                     'These wounds were made by my friends...'

'He gave his life so I could live...'                                         'Rikan I... I'm sorry...'            

                                'I lost everything when I lost your brother...'

Damn, I'm a moron...

Rikan woke up with a jump, frightening the caring angel that took care of her.

"Where's my sword?"
"Wha? W-Wait, what are you..?"
"Oh, here it is, perfect. Welp goodbye."

Rikan started running towards the forest once again, turning a deaf ear to the angels pleads.

"Rikna wait! *Panting* Your mother is..!"
"I don't give a scale about what my mother thinks!"

The angel, unable to keep the girl's march, could only admire the speeds the girl could reach even with a hurting leg... Maybe next time she got injured she should let her heal for herself, that way she might learn the importance of resting...

"Rikan... Please... Wait.."

The whispers that came out of the angel's mouth in between her panting couldn't reach the girl's ears, and when she was about to reach her destination what the angel had been trying to warn her about happened.


A translucid sphere covered the whole village, and its border was right in front of her's nose. The girl, unable to reduce her mass, tried by all means to reduce her speed to diminish the force of impact, she nailed her feet to the ground, started to rotate her arms, started to lean her whole body backwards, but sadly all those things only served to make her lose her balance and hit the floor with her face after passing right through the barrier.

Feliziel arrived a few seconds later, trying to keep her soul from leaving through her mouth.

"But... how did you..?"

The angel cautiously approached her hand towards the barrier, and with no doubt, it was there.

"Did you cross before the barrier appeared?"
"No, I'm sure I just went past it..."

Rikan did as the angel, but she could pass through it like it was air.

"Hey, what's that shimmering on your belt?"

Rikan looked right at her belt, and just as Feliziel had said there was something shining in there, three golden gems that formed a triangle around her waist.

"Aren't these..? That jerk... putting things in my belt without telling me... What kind of girl does he think I am?"
"Aren't those the same as the ones your mother used to create the barrier?"
"Honestly, I didn't even know this barrier was my mother's, but most likely yes."
"...Oh! I want to test one thing, could you stick your hand for a moment?"

Rikan obliged without thinking about it, and with a swift movement, the angel clung herself to it and started to pull, pushing her feet against the barrier.

"Get...! Inside...! The BARRIER!"

Rikan thrust her sword against the soil and started to pull away from the barrier with all her might.


Slowly, her arm started to slip through Feliziel's hands and from a moment to the next both's faces were firmly planted on the floor.

"Huff... Huff... Tell my mom... I'll be back in a sec."
"And where the heck are you going!?"

Rikan turned, revealing a smile full of determination was drawn on her face.

"I'm going to stop some idiots before they get hurt."


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